Virtual Assistants in the United States

As a business owner and a mom, I’m asked a lot of questions in any given day (raise your hand if you relate!). And, one of the questions I’m asked most often is whether or not I use Virtual Assistants as the founder + CEO of a boutique Virtual Assistant Agency.

The answer may surprise you…ABSOLUTELY, I do, and I’m going to spill the secrets on exactly how I put my own team of expert VAs to work on my business to maximize my time and get me back to doing what I love most: helping other business owners.

I use Save the Day Assistant(s) to help me save the day for others, from:

  • Social Media
  • Newsletters
  • Cards for Clients
  • Website Updates
  • SOP writing
  • Grant research & writing

To CRM updates and all the tasks in-between. I know what our team is capable of because they do so much for me.

If you’ve considered using a Virtual Assistant, but you’re not sure where to start, grab a cup of coffee and keep reading.

Unlike the old adage, the cobbler’s children have no shoes, I know the valuable services my team brings to the table and I gladly put their expertise to work.

In fact, all the difference facets of Save the Day Assistant from our social media presence to our interaction with clients serves as a portfolio of our work.

Here’s a BTS (behind-the-scenes) look at how my team does the work so I don’t have to.

  • Social Media: From graphics to copy, content creation and all the scheduling in between, my team brings my vision to life and ensures our social media feeds are on brand, relevant, and reaching our target audience and clients.
  • Newsletters: Each and every month, one of my VAs takes a general topic provided by me, along with any important promotions, and creates (and distributes) a newsletter that is full of value for my clients and business owners alike.
  • Cards for Clients: I’m a firm believer in personal connection with my clients, but I’m also realistic that intentions may never come to fruition without the help of my team.
  • Website Updates: I am far from tech savvy. There, I said it. But I have VAs who are. I task them with  this integral part of my business so I can focus on what I do best instead.
  • SOP Writing: Nobody likes to put in writing how their business successfully moves through each day, week and quarter, but it is vital to have your Standard Operating Procedures at the ready for new hires, shifting roles and expectations, and delegating to your team. Rather than avoiding this task, give it to a VA who can look at your business objectively.
  • Grant Research & Writing: Free money to invest in your business sounds too good to be true, but it isn’t when it’s the result of a grant. This isn’t my skill set, but it is a specialized niche of one of my VA’s. She finds and writes grant applications to secure alternate funding for my small, woman owned and operated, business.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Updates: When clients are the basis of your business, having an up to date CRM is essential. This task can be a serious undertaking and a time suck for you – let a VA handle it so you can get time back to connect with clients.